Ambassador Registration Program

Launched on May 21, 2024

Register as an Ambassador

Terms and Conditions


The goal of the Ambassador Registration Program is to enable participants to register for the Ambassador Program. The Ambassador Program’s purpose is to promote the use of Diode software and the Diode Network, and the participation in supplying DePIN infrastructure (Relay Nodes) to the Diode Network.

The program registers “Ambassadors” whose will promote Diode in their regions. Ambassadors can participate in other programs and earn rewards by through their participation, or through the participation of others who they refer.

Watch the video for how to sign up


To grow the supply of, and demand for, bandwidth on the Diode Network.


Ambassadors will be eligible for other reward programs, such as the Bandwidth Growth Program, other programs, and airdrops.


In Q1 of 2024, Diode selected a handful of regional Seed Ambassadors who are the senior ancestors of all other Ambassadors, and who do not need to register with a referral code. Every other Ambassador must register with a referral code from another Ambassador.

In order to register for the program, each would-be Ambassador must sign up on the Diode App, join the “Ambassador Program” Zone, and register with the Ambassador Registrar via chat (See “How to Register”).

Upon registering, each Ambassador receives a referral code that they can supply to Relay Nodes or other Ambassadors. Ambassadors can only register by using another Ambassador’s referral code.

How to Register as an Ambassador

Watch the video for how to sign up

  1. Download the Diode App and sign up
  2. Join the “Ambassador Program” Zone
  3. Find an existing Ambassador, ideally in your same geographic region, and ask them for their referral code (or, check for the list of regional codes in the Zone’s About page)
  4. Look for the “Registrar” chat in the Ambassadors Zone and click it
  5. Register as an Ambassador by chatting the Referral Code you got from another Ambassador
  6. The chat will return a challenge asking you to confirm you accept the terms of the program
  7. If you accept the terms, the Registrar will then return to you your own referral code you can give to others to sign up


The Diode Community DAO is responsible for governance of this program.

All Ambassador registrations are valid for 36 months only, after which the child Ambassador will no longer allocate any rewards to its registered parent. Once a child Ambassador has been registered, registrations may not be changed.